Quocirca names Ricoh a leader in Cloud Print Services
Cites company’s comprehensive portfolio, strong focus on security, and implementing security by design
London, 27 June, 2024 – Ricoh today announced it has been named a leader again by global market insight and research firm Quocirca in its Cloud Print Services Market Landscape, 2024 report.

According to Quocirca’s research, 69% of organisations are already using a cloud print management solution. However, security is the top barrier of adoption with 32% of respondents indicating protecting corporate data is a top concern. Quocirca recognised Ricoh as a market leader for its comprehensive cloud portfolio, strong focus on security, and commitment to implementing security by design, noting that cloud print has now become an essential part of the company’s managed print service.
The report highlighted RICOH CloudStream, RICOH Smart Integration, and RICOH Streamline NX as examples that enable Ricoh to deliver secure public, private, and hybrid hosting options.
“As we move toward an increasingly distributed workforce, Ricoh is dedicated to the continued development and delivery of cloud-based solutions that enable businesses to remotely capture and share information in a consistent, secure, and cost-effective manner,” said Paul Birkett, VP Strategic Portfolio Management, Ricoh Europe.
Quocirca defines market leaders as vendors who lead the market in both strategic vision and depth of service offering, having made significant investments in their service portfolio and infrastructure, and are supported by strong delivery capabilities. Quocirca cited several key differentiators contributing to Ricoh’s leadership position, including:
- A comprehensive portfolio of solutions covering areas such as print and device management, capture and workflow, enterprise output management, mobile printing, payment services, quotas, and budgeting.
- The flexibility and scalability of its solutions, such as RICOH CloudStream, that enables customer choice across multi-tenant public cloud services, and tailored integrated features of RICOH Smart Integration providing cloud-based apps and document workflows with the ability to tailor the platform to customers’ specific needs and integrate with other systems.
- A global focus evidenced by multivendor solutions, including RICOH CloudStream that gives customers a seamless workplace print and capture experience across regions and device types, and a support center offering enhanced SLAs and local in-language teams for customers globally creating a complete cloud-managed print service.
- A strong commitment to prioritising and implementing security by design with solutions that support zero-trust architecture, high availability, and remote management.
A leading provider of digital information services and cloud-based solutions to more than 1.4 million customers worldwide, Ricoh brings services, technology, and people together to solve challenges for organisations seeking to modernise their print infrastructures and accelerate digital transformation.
To download an excerpt copy of the report, click here.
| Om Ricoh |
Ricoh styrker digitale arbeidsplasser ved å bruke innovative teknologier og tjenester som gjør det mulig for enkeltpersoner å jobbe smartere fra hvor som helst.
Med kunnskap og organisatoriske evner opparbeidet gjennom sin 85-årige historie, er Ricoh en ledende leverandør av digitale tjenester, informasjonsadministrasjon og utskriftsløsninger designet for å støtte digital transformasjon og optimalisere forretningsytelsen.
Ricoh Group har hovedkontor i Tokyo og har store virksomheter over hele verden, og produktene og tjenestene deres når nå kunder i omtrent 200 land og regioner. I regnskapsåret som ble avsluttet mars 2022, hadde Ricoh Group et verdensomspennende salg på 1758 milliarder yen (ca. 14,5 milliarder USD).
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Ricoh Europe PLC
Jack Gibson
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