
Ricoh included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for five consecutive years

London, January 8, 2025 – Ricoh announced today that it has been selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World Index), one of the world’s most renowned indices for ESG (environmental, social, and governance), for the fifth consecutive year.

Ricoh included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for five consecutive years

DJSI, compiled by Dow Jones & Company and sustainability investment research firm S&P Global, was the first global sustainability index to assess a company’s corporate sustainability from the economic, environmental, and social development perspectives.

DJSI reviewed approximately 3,500 major companies worldwide, selecting 321 companies for this year’s DJSI World Index. Ricoh has also been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) for seven consecutive years.

Ricoh’s approach to sustainability is to pursue a sustainable society through a Three Ps Balance—Prosperity (economic), People (society), and Planet (environment). To realise this desired society, Ricoh has identified seven material issues in two areas, “Resolving social issues through business” and “Robust management infrastructure,” set 16 ESG targets in linkage with each material issue, and is implementing specific initiatives to achieve them. Based on these initiatives, Ricoh continued to receive high evaluations in the areas of “Governance & Economic,” “Environment,” and “Social.”

| Om Ricoh |

Ricoh Norge er en ledende teknologileverandør som spesialiserer seg på kontorløsninger, produksjonsprint, dokumenthåndtering og IT-tjenester. Med en sterk forpliktelse til bærekraft og innovasjon, hjelper Ricoh bedrifter over hele landet med å forbedre sine arbeidsprosesser og oppnå bedre resultater.

Ricoh Group har hovedkontor i Tokyo og har store virksomheter over hele verden, og produktene og tjenestene deres når nå kunder i omtrent 200 land og regioner. I regnskapsåret som ble avsluttet mars 2024, hadde Ricoh Group et verdensomspennende salg på 2348 milliarder yen (ca. 15,5 milliarder USD).

For mer informasjon, vennligst besøk www.ricoh.no.

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Ricoh Europe PLC

Charlotte Fernandez

E-mail: media@ricoh-europe.com

Hjemmeside: www.ricoh-europe.com